Mongolian Calligraphy 

In a concise description of the extended history of Mongolian art, a framework for understanding Mongolia’s contemporary art scene, Ts. Uranchimeg, an art historian, indicates that the nations’ work can be divided into five distinct periods of time. They include Ancient Art in Mongolia, from the Upper Paleolithic Period (40,000-1200 years ago), the Art of the Steppes Empire (third century B.C to first century A.D.), the Art of the Mongol Empire (1206-1368), Buddhist Art of Mongolia, Art of the 19th Century, and Art of the 20th Century.

The Ancient Art of Mongolia, the first period from which we draw this development, is now commonly associated with a bounty of rock drawings that were found throughout the country. Drawings were found carved and painted on rocks, as well as cliffs and mountains. Depictions of animals, hunting scenes and chariots were also prevalent within these carvings and paintings.

The rich expressive language, written in a highly formalized stoic form, really makes the quality of our Mongolian experience come alive. Like music to the ear our language is the wisdom of our culture”, says Lkhamsuren , “ it is a work of art that reflects an important period in Mongolian history.”